I came across this article the other day showing a yoga for weight loss sequence. The sequence, which is basically the second half of a variation on the classical sun salutation, is challenging. If you do a lot of them, you will increase your heart rate and maybe even get sweaty. And that’s not the […]
Tag: weight loss

2016 Fitness Trends
Back in January, I compared my personal fitness trends to the projected 2015 fitness trends: I listed mine as: Rumba, which I’m still doing at the gym three times per week, Running–I completed a marathon in June, Yoga on a daily basis, CrossFit, which I loved, but I never went back because running took up […]

Walking for Weight Loss
When we decide we need to lose weight, we get it in our heads that we have to put in hours at the gym, fighting through soreness and burnout, to get the results we want. First of all, to lose weight, we’ve got to adjust our diets. After that, we often overlook something simpler, gentler, […]

How Marathon Training is Like Trying to Lose Weight
While I have, at times in my life, worked to lose five pounds that got blown out of proportion in my own mind, I admit I’ve never had the experience of trying to lose weight in a serious way. However, I have worked with a lot of men and women who have been on that journey, […]

The Trouble with Getting a Bikini Body
It’s that time of year again: things start warming up, and everyone starts talking about getting to the gym and sculpting a bikini body. Why do we do this to ourselves every year? Yes, it’s natural when it gets cold to maybe put on a little weight. It’s easy to snuggle and sleep and make […]

Terrible Fitness Goals
Sometimes people fail at their fitness goals because their fitness goals are crap. You can’t achieve something that’s vague, too difficult, or not worth achieving. Please, do yourself a favor and avoid craptastic goals like these: “Lose Weight” Oh, like five pounds? Or 50? And is it really weight you want to lose, or is […]

Why Your Weight Loss Plan is Failing
The sad truth is that most of us have been unhappy with our bodies at one point or another, and most of us have wanted to lose five or 25 pounds. Did you succeed? AWESOME. If not, this could be why your weight loss plan is letting you down. You’re overestimating the effectiveness of your […]