In regard to physical achievements, people seem to like to say they can’t. They see these inspiring athletic performances and, instead of finding in them the motivation to exercise, use them as an excuse for not even trying: the idea that they couldn’t possibly go from where they are now to what they’re seeing. Which is, of course, ridiculous. […]
Tag: motivation

Do You Need Workout Motivation…or Discipline?
My friend shared this article with me: Screw Motivation, What You Need is Discipline. It’s a powerful article about how motivation is an excuse to procrastinate. It implies that we must feel a certain way before we do something, whereas discipline is a decision to just do it, no matter how we feel. And as […]

What I’ve Learned From Marathon Training So Far
Marathon training is a rather long process. And here I am: already well over two months/halfway in to my four-month training program. I’ve learned so much, I could probably just skip the marathon itself and call it a day. I won’t, of course. Tempting. But there’s no way I’d back out now, not considering all the reasons I […]

The Trouble with Getting a Bikini Body
It’s that time of year again: things start warming up, and everyone starts talking about getting to the gym and sculpting a bikini body. Why do we do this to ourselves every year? Yes, it’s natural when it gets cold to maybe put on a little weight. It’s easy to snuggle and sleep and make […]

Turn Excuses into Motivation
Everywhere you turn, someone’s got a really great excuse for why they’re not exercising. People get extremely protective of these excuses, lest the excuse be taken away and the person has no choice but to go to the gym. I’m here to do that. Turn your best excuses into the motivation you need to go […]

7 Surefire Ways to Make Yourself Hate Exercise
A lot of people say they hate exercise, and that’s their whole excuse for not doing it. Lame. First of all, I’m pretty sure my mom taught me that sometimes we have to do things we don’t like. Two, you can learn to love it. Three, actually, you don’t hate exercise at all. Movement is […]

Why I Don’t Listen to Music When I Run
When I got my first portable cassette player (purple and Barbie-themed), I was excited to use it to play my mix tapes on my runs. I had heard that people do that. It clipped so conveniently to my shorts! As long as my shorts were tight enough not to get pulled down by the weight […]