For someone who struggles to get to the gym, it can be hard to believe, but for avid exercisers and for those who are actively trying to lose weight, rest days can actually be a challenge. It’s so tempting to get back out there and keep working toward your fitness goals. However, rest days are as […]
Tag: healthy habits

Yoga Poses You Can Do Before You Even Get Up
Do you lie in bed for a few minutes after you wake up and before you get up? Then you have time to do yoga. These gentle yoga poses are a great way to start your day, and you can do them all while lying comfortably in your bed. Breathing Hands to Lap and Overhead […]

I’m Not So Sure About Fitness Trackers
First, I have to admit that I’ve never used fitness trackers: I’ve never felt I needed extra motivation to stay on track. I’ve never been that interested in the data it would collect. I’m not convinced they could possibly be totally accurate with everything they’re telling you (especially with calorie burn….there are so many variables […]

Why We Need to Stop Multitasking at the Gym
It used to be just the magazines. People would grab one, prop it on the treadmill, and get to “work”. Now it’s worse: magazines, television, and (my biggest pet peeve) your phone. (I don’t think my phone has ever been to the gym.) You’ve read all the articles about how multitasking is bad for your […]

What I’ve Learned About Chiropractic and How It’s Changed My Body
My boyfriend is a chiropractor, and I’ve been under his care for four years. Before I met him, I really didn’t know much about chiropractic. I’d heard people say some nasty and ignorant things. I’d heard other people rave about it. I figured it wasn’t for me because hey, I’m already pretty fit and healthy […]

How to Think Fit All Day Long
A healthy lifestyle is just that: a lifestyle. It’s not a crazy exercise routine. It’s not a quick-fix diet. It requires you to develop a healthy mindset. You have to think fit. When fitness and healthy choices become your lifestyle, it really does become easier to make such choices. But where to start? Here: Let […]

Terrible Fitness Goals
Sometimes people fail at their fitness goals because their fitness goals are crap. You can’t achieve something that’s vague, too difficult, or not worth achieving. Please, do yourself a favor and avoid craptastic goals like these: “Lose Weight” Oh, like five pounds? Or 50? And is it really weight you want to lose, or is […]

How to Prepare for Your First Yoga Class
Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to jump in and take your first yoga class, no matter how nervous you might be. It’s okay to be scared and do something anyway–in fact, I think it’s good for us. But you can do a lot ease your anxieties by following these easy steps to prepare for your […]

Travel and Exercise
If you travel a lot for work or fun, your exercise routine can take a hit. The idea is to make movement such a huge and wonderful part of your life that it’s inconceivable to skip it entirely just because your conference ran late or you’re on vacation. Travel and exercise can go together if […]

Why Your Weight Loss Plan is Failing
The sad truth is that most of us have been unhappy with our bodies at one point or another, and most of us have wanted to lose five or 25 pounds. Did you succeed? AWESOME. If not, this could be why your weight loss plan is letting you down. You’re overestimating the effectiveness of your […]