wear fitted clothing to workout

Skip the Too-Big T-Shirts: Wear Fitted Clothing to Exercise

When we feel self-conscious about our bodies, our first instinct is to cover it up, usually in loose, baggy clothing that totally disguises our silhouettes.

If you’re planning to workout like that, I’ve got to ask you to reconsider.

There are actually a lot of good reasons to wear fitted clothing while you exercise. I don’t mean spray-on fitted–you don’t need to go to that extreme. But a little careful shopping can lead you to some more form-fitting options that will actually be more comfortable.

This is why it’s really useful to wear fitted clothing when you exercise.

It cuts down on chafing.

Loose clothing can definitely rub you the wrong way and result in sores under your arms, on your thighs, or anywhere that clothing can bunch and rub against your skin. After years of exercise, I still re-learned this the hard way after choosing the wrong shorts for my one-and-only (so far) 15-mile run.

It doesn’t bunch.

Depending on what kind of exercise you’re doing, those loose clothes can really get in your way. In a yoga class, for example, a downward dog can mean you end up with your shirt up around your arm pits, so instead of focusing on what you’re doing, you’re fighting to keep it in place.

It won’t catch on anything.

If you’re doing a fast-paced cardio class, especially a dance-style class where your feet could be crossing quite a bit, a loose pair of pants can actually catch your foot and trip you up as you’re trying to take a step.

You can see what’s happening with your body.

Any time you’re working with a personal trainer or a fitness instructor, especially in a yoga or pilates class, he or she needs to be able to see what’s going on with your body in order to correct your movements and alignment. Baggy clothing can make this difficult. If you’re working out in front of a mirror, you might also appreciate and learn a lot from being able to see exactly what your body is doing.

The most important thing is to feel comfortable. Shop around for clothing that fits you well, keeps you covered, and allows you to move freely.