This post appears on — click the link at the bottom to read the full story! How Traveling Taught Me to Love My Body I’m not sure anyone is completely immune from body issues. Luckily, I have a sports background, and I think that saved me from the worst of it. As a child, […]
Exercising in the Heat
It’s summer and it’s hot, but we can’t just quit exercising in favor of lounging by the pool sipping margaritas. Being dedicated to our health and fitness means we exercise all year long, no matter the temperature. However, just like exercising in cold weather requires certain adaptations, so does exercising in the heat. When the temperature […]
How You Waste Time at the Gym
We’re all busy. We’ve got an hour to get to the gym and that’s it, so we’ve got to make the most of it. Unfortunately, a lot of people squander that precious gym time, often without even realizing it. This is how you waste time at the gym. You wait for someone to finish with a […]
The Yoga Body: Letting Go of Both Envy and Judgment
Oftentimes, we envy the “bikini body” or “yoga body” possessed by our yoga teachers, fitness instructors, and personal trainers. These people live and breathe fitness, so it stands to reason that their bodies are among the fittest in appearance as well as practice. However, this isn’t always the case. I’ve seen a lot of judgment come down […]
Bad Reasons for Avoiding Exercise
When it comes to exercise, everyone’s got an reason to skip it. The vast majority of those excuses sound something like this, and none of them are good enough reasons for avoiding exercise: “I’m not strong enough.” No kidding. That’s why you need to exercise. Yes, the start will be rough, but that’s the way it […]
Travel Exercise Tips: Having a Healthy Travel Day
I’ve written about how to keep up with your fitness routine while you’re traveling, but what about exercising on travel day itself? Remember that rest days are an important part of your exercise schedule, and you can just plan your rest day to coincide with travel day. I travel quite a bit, and unless I’m […]
Underrated Characteristics of Marathon Runners
When we think of marathon runners, we often think of certain characteristics: discipline, guts, and maybe even some crazy. However, during my first marathon on Sunday, I found myself drawing on a few other traits I was very happy to find inside myself when I most needed them–and oh, I needed them. These might not […]
Recovering From a Marathon
The race is over, and just when you think you’re out of the woods (the finish line), the post-marathon discomfort begins (the moment you cross the finish line). During my marathon training and preparation, I was surprised to see article after article say that no one really knows for sure how you should go about recovering […]
After the Race: My Marathon Goals
I read a great article during my marathon training that said it was a good idea to have multiple marathon goals–you know, in case your top goals don’t quite work out. In that spirit, I had a whole slew of goals to make sure I’d have something to feel good about by the time it […]
The Day Before the Marathon
Four months of training later and here we are: the day before the marathon. I just capped off hundreds of miles of training with an easy two-mile run. It’s incredible how short that distance feels now! But it’s not over yet. I’ve been focused on fueling all week, but today and tomorrow morning more than […]