(I made this recipe using this organic matcha powder, which I received as a gift or at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.) As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I just discovered matcha and I love it. I have been using it to make near-daily matcha lattes, but I’ve also […]
How Your Body Type Affects Your Yoga Practice
I was taking an online yoga class today. We were kneeling in vajrasana (thunderbolt pose) with our hands on our laps, and the teacher instructed me to turn my palms up near my hips and straighten my arms. What the what? Impossible. When my hands are resting in my lap near my hips, my elbows […]
Why Moms Need Exercise and How to Fit It In
Happy Mother’s Day! I’m not a mother myself, but I have one, and I know lots of them. I was a full-time nanny for more than a year (four kids) and I’m currently watching my nephews several days each week, so while I know it’s not the same, I do have an inkling of the […]
Fitness Answered Training Products Muscle Roller Review
(I received this product as a gift or at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.) After my IT band injury, I started foam rolling. I had put that activity off for a long time because it’s super awkward. But, like anything, it does get easier as you do it, and I […]
Matcha Latte Recipe
I’m a very recent convert to matcha (and the matcha latte, which I’ll get to in a second), but converted I am. I like normal tea, but it’s not something I drink regularly. (I always have green tea and Throat Coat tea on hand, though, in case my throat gets scratchy or sore. They’re my go-tos.) […]
The Rise of Instagram Yoga (and What to Do Now)
Instagram yoga accounts are huge. I should know, because I follow a bunch of them, and I kind of have one myself. (See my Instagram account. It’s got yoga and mini-donkeys. Just not together. Yet.) There are Instagram yogis who are crazy famous, in the world of Instagram and beyond, all because of these pretty […]
New Facebook Group: Daily Fitness Deals!
I don’t believe that getting healthy and staying in shape has to be expensive. We don’t really need a gym membership or much in terms of equipment because there’s so much we can do using only our bodyweight. Still. Equipment, clothes, and memberships can be fun and motivating, since they give us more options to keep our […]
Reflecting on 800 Burpees
Having recently completed Fitness Magazine’s 30-day Burpee Challenge, I am feeling an especially strong love/hate sensation toward burpees. This was a 30-day challenge. The first week was 10 burpees per day, with each day offering a different burpee variation. The second week was 20 per day. Third week, 30. Fourth week, 40 per day. And the […]
How An Injury Can Be a Good Thing
If someone says, “I got hurt,” the first thing you say is probably, “Oh, no, I’m sorry!” Because you’re polite and all. But maybe it’s not all wrong to say, “Good for you!” Okay, maybe it is. But hear me out. I’m saying an injury can be a good thing, sometimes, in some ways. After […]
4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your First Yoga Class
Your first yoga class can be intimidating. It’s hard to know what to expect, and with all the newness going on it’s easy to finish the class feeling like maybe you missed something. That’s going to happen, and it’s okay. There’s a learning curve with anything new, and as you continue to practice you will […]