I kind of can’t believe I never got around to writing here about the Altra Run Crew! 2023 was an awesome year in running, and this was a large part of it. I love Altra running shoes—I’ve used them for years. They have a roomy toe box that’s actually shaped like your foot, so your […]
Category: Uncategorized

New Adventures: Taking an Herbalism Course
When I was little, my grandmother would point out the echinacea that grew on the side of the road and tell me how powerful it was. It had been planted years before by prairie plantsman Claude Barre, a friend and neighbor and, from what I know about him, a guy whose life was a plant […]

The Difference Between Pain and Suffering
A lot of people suffer on a big scale. Life gets uncomfortable at times; we refer to it as “painful” as we dread, dwell on, and remember uncomfortable events. We suffer on a smaller scale, too: a lot of people suffer through exercise. It was while studying yoga that I learned to make an important […]

Good Reasons to Walk Out of a Fitness Class
There are some really bad reasons to walk out of a fitness class, as you can read here. However, every now and then someone leaves for good reasons like these: You’re hurt. It might not be something that happened in class–maybe it’s pain from an old injury flaring up again. At any rate, a smart exerciser knows […]

When You Should Spend Money on Fitness
It’s not necessary to spend a lot of money on your home exercise equipment or your gym clothes, despite the growing trend in luxury fitness wear. I regularly shop for my fitness clothes on sale, even if it means getting a color I don’t like. However, there are times when you definitely don’t want to be […]

How Traveling Taught Me to Love My Body
This post appears on DoYouYoga.com — click the link at the bottom to read the full story! How Traveling Taught Me to Love My Body I’m not sure anyone is completely immune from body issues. Luckily, I have a sports background, and I think that saved me from the worst of it. As a child, […]

Exercising in the Heat
It’s summer and it’s hot, but we can’t just quit exercising in favor of lounging by the pool sipping margaritas. Being dedicated to our health and fitness means we exercise all year long, no matter the temperature. However, just like exercising in cold weather requires certain adaptations, so does exercising in the heat. When the temperature […]

The Yoga Body: Letting Go of Both Envy and Judgment
Oftentimes, we envy the “bikini body” or “yoga body” possessed by our yoga teachers, fitness instructors, and personal trainers. These people live and breathe fitness, so it stands to reason that their bodies are among the fittest in appearance as well as practice. However, this isn’t always the case. I’ve seen a lot of judgment come down […]

How Marathon Training is Like Trying to Lose Weight
While I have, at times in my life, worked to lose five pounds that got blown out of proportion in my own mind, I admit I’ve never had the experience of trying to lose weight in a serious way. However, I have worked with a lot of men and women who have been on that journey, […]

What I’ve Learned About Chiropractic and How It’s Changed My Body
My boyfriend is a chiropractor, and I’ve been under his care for four years. Before I met him, I really didn’t know much about chiropractic. I’d heard people say some nasty and ignorant things. I’d heard other people rave about it. I figured it wasn’t for me because hey, I’m already pretty fit and healthy […]