There are big changes ahead. Which, let me tell you, I love. I’ve made a sort of career of it over the last six years in particular: Chile, Argentina, Panama, then Colombia, with multiple apartments and neighborhoods in each of those places. There’s some transitioning on the way that I’ve been thinking about for awhile, […]
Category: Travel

Falling Off the Wagon (and Getting Back On)
I just spent 11 days in Mexico City, visiting my friend and checking out that great city. As you might remember, up until September I was a happy 90% vegetarian. At that point, I committed 100% to prepare for my upcoming yoga teacher training in India, where we would be served a strict yogic diet. When […]

Ashram Daily Life
I suppose ashram daily life varies a bit from ashram to ashram, but one thing I know for sure: the routine will always be consistent and strict. I don’t mean strict in a bad way, but with a sense of discipline. In fact, that might be the word I could use to sum up ashram […]

Sharing the Yoga Teacher Training Experience
Where to begin, right? As you may know, I left for India on November 1 to complete my 500 hours of Akhanda yoga teacher training. I got back on December 18. A lot can — and did — happen in that length of time, and in some ways it’s difficult to talk about. Not because […]

On My Way to India!
Tomorrow, I’m leaving for India and my next 300 hours of yoga teacher training. This is a process that started back in May when I applied for the program. And really, it started long before that…we could go way back to 2007 when I completed my first teacher training at the same school. Afterward, I […]

Managing Setbacks
Back in May, I signed up for my next 300 hours of yoga teacher training. In November, I’m going back to India to the ashram where I did my first training nine years ago to continue my studies with my teacher. The time is quickly approaching, and I’ve been mired in logistics for the […]

Thinking Less and Saying Yes: The Art of Spontaneity
A few months ago, I bought tickets to Guatemala. For a variety of reasons, Brent and I decided not to go. I was sad, but I put it out of my mind because thinking less or not at all about it was the only way I could cope with the idea of having purchased a plane […]