It’s here! I’m happy to say Change Your Mind About Exercise: Enjoy Your Workouts and Get Results by Thinking Differently About Fitness (affiliate link) is now available on Amazon. Over my nearly 20 years as a fitness instructor and yoga teacher, I’ve seen a lot of people succeed with fitness—and I’ve seen a lot of […]
Category: Inspiration

Finding Your Health and Fitness Support Team
I belong to a running group on Facebook, and recently a member asked for suggestions about how to deal with the fact that his wife does not support his running. This is something I think about a lot, because it’s pretty common and it devastates me. I’ve been lucky to have a huge support team: […]
5 Inspiring Athletic Performances
In regard to physical achievements, people seem to like to say they can’t. They see these inspiring athletic performances and, instead of finding in them the motivation to exercise, use them as an excuse for not even trying: the idea that they couldn’t possibly go from where they are now to what they’re seeing. Which is, of course, ridiculous. […]

On ‘Yoga Poses for Beginners’ That Really Aren’t
If you’re on Pinterest or Facebook or Twitter and follow various yoga-related accounts, you’ve probably seen, as I have, a lot of “Beginner Yoga Poses” posts. That should be awesome. But the little issue that pecks at me is that a lot of the poses they mention are definitely not for beginners. The pose (bird of […]

Appreciation (Lessons From a 5-Year-Old)
I am back in Colombia now, but I spent most of this year in my homeland, taking preventative measures for my health and well-being and spending time with my family. That includes three nephews. You might have seen a few updates on them via the Your Body Best Facebook page. I got to spend a lot […]

Do You Need Workout Motivation…or Discipline?
My friend shared this article with me: Screw Motivation, What You Need is Discipline. It’s a powerful article about how motivation is an excuse to procrastinate. It implies that we must feel a certain way before we do something, whereas discipline is a decision to just do it, no matter how we feel. And as […]

How An Injury Can Be a Good Thing
If someone says, “I got hurt,” the first thing you say is probably, “Oh, no, I’m sorry!” Because you’re polite and all. But maybe it’s not all wrong to say, “Good for you!” Okay, maybe it is. But hear me out. I’m saying an injury can be a good thing, sometimes, in some ways. After […]

Love Your Body This Valentine’s Day
On Valentine’s Day, whether we’re ranting about the expense and uselessness of this Hallmark holiday or showering gifts on our beloved, we seem to focus outward on the person we love, wish we loved, or don’t love at all. And of course, we should show that same love every day, all year long, but Valentine’s Day serves […]

Why Partner Yoga is the Perfect Valentine’s Day Date
Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is upon us, and if you are one half of a happy couple, there might be some expectation on you to deliver a heartfelt gift. Gifts are lots of fun (sign me up!), but I would choose an experience over a material object (almost) any day, and one […]

Giving Thanks for Fitness
When we’re not where we want to be or when we have a particularly rough day at the gym, it’s easy to get frustrated with and even angry at our bodies. Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and cursed your belly, wrinkled your face at the sight of a jiggly thigh, sighed […]