Every year, I like to take a closer look at the 2020 Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends, and here it is, March, and I’m just getting around to it. By now, you’ve probably already taken a closer look at them for yourself, but if not, let’s do it. The top 20 predicted trends are listed […]
Category: In the News

Worldwide Survey of Fitness: A Look at the 2019 Trends
It’s the 13th year of ACSM’s annual Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends. There usually aren’t a lot of huge changes from year to year, but trends do pop on and off and change ranking. This year, the top three are the same as last year, but they’re in a new order: the #1 trend is […]

Can Fitness Be Fun and Effective?
Can fitness be fun? I started reading this article by Jim Mitchell with a little frown, because who smiles while they’re exercising? Me. Not because it’s “fun” exactly, but because sometimes it’s kinda funny, when you’re working and your body starts to fail and you’re saying, “Just lift your arm, body, it’s simple!” and […]

A Look at the Predicted 2018 Fitness Trends
As you know, I look forward to ACSM’s annual worldwide survey of fitness trends. I love to see how it changes from year to year and how it corresponds to what I’m doing and feeling most interested in, fitness-wise. As always, here’s my take on their predictions for the top 10 of the 2018 fitness […]

2017 Fitness Trends
Every year, I like to take a look at ACSM’s worldwide survey of fitness trends. I always find it interesting to see what people are into (compared to what I’m into) and how to changes from year to year. Here’s my take on each of the first 10 of the 20 top 2017 fitness trends. […]