We all want to find the easy way, right? Even when it comes to achieving huge goals, fitness or otherwise, we still focus on the most efficient way to get there even though there’s hard work involved. With any worthwhile change, there will be hard work involved. But there are, in fact, some incredibly easy […]
Category: Get Fit

How You Waste Time at the Gym
We’re all busy. We’ve got an hour to get to the gym and that’s it, so we’ve got to make the most of it. Unfortunately, a lot of people squander that precious gym time, often without even realizing it. This is how you waste time at the gym. You wait for someone to finish with a […]

Bad Reasons for Avoiding Exercise
When it comes to exercise, everyone’s got an reason to skip it. The vast majority of those excuses sound something like this, and none of them are good enough reasons for avoiding exercise: “I’m not strong enough.” No kidding. That’s why you need to exercise. Yes, the start will be rough, but that’s the way it […]

Travel Exercise Tips: Having a Healthy Travel Day
I’ve written about how to keep up with your fitness routine while you’re traveling, but what about exercising on travel day itself? Remember that rest days are an important part of your exercise schedule, and you can just plan your rest day to coincide with travel day. I travel quite a bit, and unless I’m […]

Dad’s Best Fitness Advice
When dad told me to ride my bike up the hill, I rode my bike up the hill: not just because he’s dad and he’s the boss, but because I knew he knew what he was talking about. Dad was a competitive athlete and still holds his college record in the 440-yard-dash (and it will […]

The Importance of Rest
For someone who struggles to get to the gym, it can be hard to believe, but for avid exercisers and for those who are actively trying to lose weight, rest days can actually be a challenge. It’s so tempting to get back out there and keep working toward your fitness goals. However, rest days are as […]

Why Your Gym Clothes Matter
I used to find it silly to buy special gym clothes. In sports, I had a few pairs of shorts and a bunch of tank tops, most of them from some camp or tournament, and that did the trick. Then I started teaching fitness, which is when I started making sure I looked the part. And I […]

I’m Not So Sure About Fitness Trackers
First, I have to admit that I’ve never used fitness trackers: I’ve never felt I needed extra motivation to stay on track. I’ve never been that interested in the data it would collect. I’m not convinced they could possibly be totally accurate with everything they’re telling you (especially with calorie burn….there are so many variables […]

Why We Need to Stop Multitasking at the Gym
It used to be just the magazines. People would grab one, prop it on the treadmill, and get to “work”. Now it’s worse: magazines, television, and (my biggest pet peeve) your phone. (I don’t think my phone has ever been to the gym.) You’ve read all the articles about how multitasking is bad for your […]

The Trouble with Getting a Bikini Body
It’s that time of year again: things start warming up, and everyone starts talking about getting to the gym and sculpting a bikini body. Why do we do this to ourselves every year? Yes, it’s natural when it gets cold to maybe put on a little weight. It’s easy to snuggle and sleep and make […]