I belong to a running group on Facebook, and recently a member asked for suggestions about how to deal with the fact that his wife does not support his running. This is something I think about a lot, because it’s pretty common and it devastates me. I’ve been lucky to have a huge support team: […]
Category: Get Fit

Gift Ideas for Fitness Lovers
I love giving gifts, and I try to find excuses to do it throughout the year, not just during the holidays. It can be challenging to find the perfect gift ideas, but if someone on your list is a fitness or yoga lover, I’ve got you covered. I’ve been working on my 2016 Gift Ideas for […]

How to Choose a Good Personal Trainer
Personal training is a profession like any other: there are good trainers and there are bad ones. To get the most for your money, and for your own fitness and safety, you’ve got to choose a good personal trainer. Here’s how: Shop Around Don’t automatically hire the cheapest trainer or the one who already works at your gym. Ask people […]

Do You Need Workout Motivation…or Discipline?
My friend shared this article with me: Screw Motivation, What You Need is Discipline. It’s a powerful article about how motivation is an excuse to procrastinate. It implies that we must feel a certain way before we do something, whereas discipline is a decision to just do it, no matter how we feel. And as […]

New Facebook Group: Daily Fitness Deals!
I don’t believe that getting healthy and staying in shape has to be expensive. We don’t really need a gym membership or much in terms of equipment because there’s so much we can do using only our bodyweight. Still. Equipment, clothes, and memberships can be fun and motivating, since they give us more options to keep our […]

Reflecting on 800 Burpees
Having recently completed Fitness Magazine’s 30-day Burpee Challenge, I am feeling an especially strong love/hate sensation toward burpees. This was a 30-day challenge. The first week was 10 burpees per day, with each day offering a different burpee variation. The second week was 20 per day. Third week, 30. Fourth week, 40 per day. And the […]

Pilates Ring Workout
I’ve got a new pilates ring workout to share with you! Remember a few weeks ago, when I did a review on this pilates ring by Go Sport-It? When I said I liked it, I meant it, and I wanted to create a full workout for you using the ring. (You can buy the pilates […]

6 Ways My Fitness Life Has Changed as I’ve Gotten Older
While I’m still relatively young on the whole (hoped for) lifespan scale, I, like the rest of you, am older than I used to be. I’ve been exercising for as long as I can remember, starting my fitness life with track and basketball while I was still in elementary school and continuing into my work as a […]

10 Signs You’ve Got a Good Personal Trainer
I’m a huge fan of working with a personal trainer, even for just one session. A new exerciser can get guidance on how to exercise safely and effectively, and a seasoned pro can get new ideas to jump-start a tired workout routine. If you’ve gone through the task of choosing a personal trainer, hopefully you’ve got […]

Fitness Answered Training Products Resistance Bands Review
(I received this product as a gift or at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.) I have long championed resistance bands as a home gym necessity. They’re light and easy to store and transport, but you still get a lot of versatile resistance to work with. I used to teach some […]