header for setting smart goals blog post

Setting SMART Goals

Goal-setting is a common practice in any fitness studio, but the trouble is this: most people are vague about their fitness goals. I want to be faster! I want to be stronger! I want to lose weight! None of these statements means much, because they can’t be measured the way they’re described. How do you […]

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reflections on 800 burpees

Reflecting on 800 Burpees

Having recently completed Fitness Magazine’s 30-day Burpee Challenge, I am feeling an especially strong love/hate sensation toward burpees. This was a 30-day challenge. The first week was 10 burpees per day, with each day offering a different burpee variation. The second week was 20 per day. Third week, 30. Fourth week, 40 per day. And the […]

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The Day Before the Marathon

Four months of training later and here we are: the day before the marathon. I just capped off hundreds of miles of training with an easy two-mile run. It’s incredible how short that distance feels now! But it’s not over yet. I’ve been focused on fueling all week, but today and tomorrow morning more than […]

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terrible fitness goals

Terrible Fitness Goals

Sometimes people fail at their fitness goals because their fitness goals are crap. You can’t achieve something that’s vague, too difficult, or not worth achieving. Please, do yourself a favor and avoid craptastic goals like these: “Lose Weight” Oh, like five pounds? Or 50? And is it really weight you want to lose, or is […]

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