Happy Mother’s Day! I’m not a mother myself, but I have one, and I know lots of them. I was a full-time nanny for more than a year (four kids) and I’m currently watching my nephews several days each week, so while I know it’s not the same, I do have an inkling of the […]
Category: Everyday Fitness

6 Ways My Fitness Life Has Changed as I’ve Gotten Older
While I’m still relatively young on the whole (hoped for) lifespan scale, I, like the rest of you, am older than I used to be. I’ve been exercising for as long as I can remember, starting my fitness life with track and basketball while I was still in elementary school and continuing into my work as a […]

How to Spend Less Time Sitting
You go to the gym, so you lead an active lifestyle, right? Maybe. But not so much if the rest of your day is spent sitting. You’ve probably been seeing a lot of headlines lately about how sitting is bad for our health. In fact, “they” (the ones who know these things) are saying that […]

The Importance of a Healthy Morning Routine
How many of us of face the morning by hitting snooze a few times, grumbling and groaning, and downing a cup of coffee while rushing out the door? Is that how you want your whole day to feel? Your morning routine can set the tone for your entire day, especially when it comes to healthy […]

Walking for Weight Loss
When we decide we need to lose weight, we get it in our heads that we have to put in hours at the gym, fighting through soreness and burnout, to get the results we want. First of all, to lose weight, we’ve got to adjust our diets. After that, we often overlook something simpler, gentler, […]

How Important is Your Health?
Our days are built on our priorities. What we do first, middle, and last is all chosen based on what’s important to us. Some have very busy, hectic lives, and some say they have no time for certain things. What they mean is, those certain things are not a priority. Years ago I read an […]

Travel and Exercise
If you travel a lot for work or fun, your exercise routine can take a hit. The idea is to make movement such a huge and wonderful part of your life that it’s inconceivable to skip it entirely just because your conference ran late or you’re on vacation. Travel and exercise can go together if […]

Pilates in Daily Life
I discovered pilates the summer after I graduated from high school. I had learned to lift weights my senior year, and we were guided into the sort of lifting I have no desire to do anymore, like maxing out on squats. Thanks to that and stuff like it, I was an 18-year-old with back pain. […]

Everyday Fitness Opportunities You’re Not Taking Advantage Of
Living an active lifestyle isn’t just about going to the gym for an hour a day. That’s a nice habit, but if you sit the rest of the time, it’s kind of pointless. What are you even getting in shape for? Putting movement in your day takes practice, especially if you’re passing up the many […]