travel taught me to love my body

How Traveling Taught Me to Love My Body

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How Traveling Taught Me to Love My Body

I’m not sure anyone is completely immune from body issues. Luckily, I have a sports background, and I think that saved me from the worst of it. As a child, it taught me to love my body for what it could do more than for what it looked like. Becoming a fitness instructor and yoga teacher reinforced this.

Quite unexpectedly, traveling changed my perspective on my body more than all the running, lifting, yoga, and volleyball ever did. I can’t say all that airbrushed magazine brilliance always flies right over my head, but nowadays, far more often than not, I deeply appreciate what I have to work with.

Here are some of the reasons and ways traveling taught me to fall head over heels in love with this body.

I’m exposed to a variety of definitions of beauty.

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